No matter where I have lived, I have always been surrounded by a large and varied group of close friends and casual acquaintances with whom I could have in depth conversations about music. Now that I find myself in graduate school deep in the heart of Humboldt County, the opportunity for such conversations has become somewhat limited and more sporadic. I started writing music reviews for The North Coast Journal in an effort to fill the void, but I have realized that it just isn't enough. Life behind the Redwoods can be a bit lonesome sometimes, and I find myself reaching for the Internet for a quick fix of worldly connectedness.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the impetus behind this blog.
I don't want to be on the receiving end of communication all of the time. With this blog I hope to create and become part of a dialog focused on music, from Humboldt and beyond. I envision myself treating this as an addendum to the reviews that I am already writing. I'll be sharing information, insights, opinions, and recommendations, and I certainly hope you'll feel compelled to share back with me.